Kalium began more than two decades ago as the solution to a specific problem. Born of a craftsman’s response to an audio engineer’s challenge, Kalium has developed a product line that exceeds convention when tradition falls short of necessity. Kalium are creators, craftspeople, engineers, and forward-thinkers that devote our skills and passion to the art and sound that you create.

Sound. Strings. Instruments. Reimagined.


The Kalium brand is a product of one man’s vision, fulfilling an entire industry’s need, that provides more choice, breadth and tailorability for musicians all over the world. Kalium brings more than a century of combined knowledge, experience and craftsmanship to every aspect of the sound you imagine and create.

Sound – Kalium provides full human experience, beginning where traditional reproduction gear quits. No part of the music made is left out. Kalium sound reaches far beyond what can be heard, creating an unparalleled full-body experience.

Strings – Materials, formulation, construction, design and breadth of choice make Kalium Strings unique in tone and application from any other string source.

Instruments – Purpose-built to bring acoustic and sonic integrity, as well as a unique voice to alternate scale length, electric stringed instruments.